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We welcome you to join us
Sunday mornings @ 10:00 a.m.

Children's Church Ages 5-12
Nursery for newborns-Age 4

Have you ever wondered
what God really wanted the 
church to look like? I am not
talking about the building,
but the people. Each
one of us that gets saved
are a part of the true body
of Christ. We don't want to be
just another gathering.
But we desire to
model what God wanted
the church to be.

God says the way people
will know that you are
following in His
teaching, is that you have
love one for another.
That's the center of who
we are in Christ. We are
told the greatest
commandments are to
Love God and Love
one another. 

That is the Character of God

Come join us as we all grow
together in a relationship with 
Jesus Christ...
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